After its initial launch a couple of years ago, the Freestyle Fitness website had languished a bit and was in need of a little TLC. I took over the site’s maintenance in late summer 2014 with a few modest goals – own that first page of Google for relevant keywords and get the site a fresh and fast new design to capitalize on its heavily mobile visitors in an effort to boost monthly membership and sign-ups for fitness challenges.
While the site performed moderately for a few key search terms when I got my hands on it, there was definitely room for improvement. I started with a rigorous blogging campaign, posting one to two times per week, with a laser focus on keywords for which we wanted to appear plus a few intended to appeal to our current members for social sharing. For the first challenge of 2015, I built a dedicated page and form for sign-ups and promoted the event heavily on the blog and social media in the weeks leading up to orientation. And then we tackled a complete site redesign.
It’s working! “Jessica has done an incredible job of creating and implementing social media strategies to give us a greater presence on the web,” says Jo Weatherford, fitness director. “She is mindful of our budget and truly maximizes any advertising monies spent. Her blog posts are well-thought out, unique and specific to our target audience. Jessica is fun to work with and exceptionally efficient! We have seen a very significant increase in traffic to our site and I highly recommend her to anyone looking to increase their knowledge of social media marketing and sales.”