Exciting news!

I’ve been tapped as the newest contributing writer over at Modern Parents Messy Kids, one of those genius lifestyle/parenting sites for, well, modern parents and their messy kids. They have all those smart things you can do with your kiddos on a rainy day, plus handy tips for organizing your entire life and much more.

I won’t lie, I’m not the kind of mom who dreams up pin-worthy crafts to occupy two year olds, but I love writing slice-of-life narratives. Luckily, that’s exactly what they want from me.

My first story, “What Am I Doing Wrong?” is a bit of a tear-jerker. Late last week, my little girl and I had one of those heartbreaking exchanges that makes you really question your parenting prowess (or lack thereof) and that night, I journaled about it. I re-read it later and thought it might be the kind of thing that other parents can relate to, so that became my first post. Going forward, my plan is to showcase the wild ride that is parenting with posts running the full range of emotion. Next up, a story about poo. Parents deal with a lot of poo.

I’ll be over at MPMK every few weeks, so mosey on over and check out the parenting section to see what’s new.